Born 1977 in Perth, Western Australia, where I continue to be based and work, I was mesmerised by portraiture at the age of 5, when an outing in Fremantle (the town where I grew up) my mother took me to sit for a charcoal, street-side portrait. Upon seeing the finished drawing, I decided I would be an artist.
After a year of study at South Metropolitan TAFE, School of Art & Design at age of 19, I began painting pictures of my family and friends.
With little formal training, I am mostly self-taught and established a dedicated practice for the first time in June 2015, after securing a space in the Midland Artsource studios.
I'm driven to continually research and explore painting approach and technique. Particularly the different processes that can be employed (and played with) to capture a “realistic” and absorbing likeness.
My work is mostly concerned with how the communication of personal identity exists in Western culture. I am presently exploring this through images of icons in both popular and underground culture.
By extension, I'm fascinated by the mechanics and peculiarities of a layered personal image, that is projected by most of us, as individuals.
Most of my work is in oils, on hardboard and more recently, on aluminium plate.
I do accept commissions and I am presently seeking gallery representation.